Central ontario allergy
Serving Central and Northern Ontario -  Care available for both adults and children




Opening Hours

Monday – Tuesday :
8.30am to 4.30pm
Wednesday :
8.30am to 12.30pm
Thursday :
8.30am to 4.30pm
Friday :
8.30am to 12.30pm

Office closed 12.30pm-1:00pm for lunch

Contact Details

Address :
Suite 108-115 Bell Farm Road
Barrie, ON L4M 5G1
Call :
(705) 727-7650
Fax :
(705) 727-7670

Shot Clinic Hours

Monday-Tuesday :
Wednesday :
Thursday :
Friday :

Food Allergies

We provide assessment via skin testing and/or oral challenges.

Environmental Allergy

We provide assessment via skin testing with consideration of immunotherapy where applicable.

Asthma Management

We provide allergy testing and management expertise for difficult to control asthma.

Atopic Dermatitis

We provide assessment of allergic triggers including Patch Testing.

Drug Allergy

We provide testing for drugs including penicillin and local anesthetics.

Insect Sting Reactions

We provide testing and immunotherapy treatment for severe insect sting reactions.


We provide workups for patients with recurrent infections.

Biologic Agents

We provide assessent of CSU, AD and severe asthma for consideration of biologic agents.

General Information
For Patients

There is a high volume of telephone traffic.  Please be kind and feel free to leave a message after hours.

You will be contacted to review lab results with Dr. Fischer as required.

All prescription renewals are through your pharmacy.  Please contact them or your primary health care provider.

For Referring Offices

New patients are seen by referral only.  Fax all documentation to (705) 727-7670.  For a medically urgent appointment, please clearly indicate this on the note. 

Patients are contacted directly to arrange visits.


All appointments, including immunotherapy, are by booked times only.  

We request 24 hours for cancellation of appointments.

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Experiencing an allergic reaction?

Call 911.

Proceed immediately to your nearest emergency room or urgent care facility.

Services available

Every person is treated with respect.  Kindly notify our staff if your require special accomodations.

Looking to book a visit?

We look forward to meeting you.  Appointments are through health care provider referrals only.

    Upcoming closures

November 7-8, 2024             Conference, Office Closure     

November 28-29, 2024         Office Closure 

December 24-27, 2024         Christmas Break, Office Closure

December 31 - Jan 1, 2025   New Year's,  Office Closure

February 14-17, 2025               Family Day, Office Closure 

March 7 - 14, 2025                    March Break, Office Closure

April 18-21, 2025                        Easter Break, Office Closure